On advice of our professional association, public health guidelines, and our own moral compasses, STRIDE Physio & Performance and CrossFit Swift Current will be temporarily closing due to the COVID-19 pandemic effective 9pm tonight (Mar 17) through to April 1, 2020. 

We will continue to monitor the situation and alter this date as required. We will use this time to research options on how to keep providing you care as our new reality continues to unfold. Stay tuned for updates. 

While navigating this unprecedented time has been overwhelming and extremely challenging, the safety of our community, our staff, and our families has been – and will continue to be – our highest priority. 

We fully recognize the importance of mass cooperation on all our parts in order to flatten the curve and protect the most vulnerable among us. We also want to contribute to the collective, positive efforts that will allow our healthcare system every opportunity for success in the coming days. 

To our health care colleagues, friends, and loved ones on the front lines fighting this fight: Our gratitude is immeasurable. Thanks you. 

All clients currently booked during this time of closure will be contacted directly and all memberships will be placed on hold. We will post updates on our social media platforms (FB @StridePhysioPerformance; Twitter @Stride_Physio; Instagram @hityour_stride) and our website: www.hityourstride.ca so follow along and check in anytime. 

Good luck to all of us in the days to come. 

Team STRIDE & CrossFit Swift Current