Ask A Physio: What is your specialty?

We get asked regularly by people looking for appointments variations of the same question: What do you specialize in? For example, who specializes in treating the neck? the foot? etc…

Our physical therapy licensing body has very specific criteria for training we have to undertake in order to perform certain “specialized procedures.” And even when we do complete this advanced training, we are still not allowed to use the term “specialist” when describing our practice.

Examples of Physical therapy “specialized procedures” include: Acupuncture, Manipulation, and Pelvic Health.

STRIDE has physiotherapists with advanced training in all of these areas. For example, Laurel and Jodi have the training to provide acupuncture as well as pelvic health assessments and treatments. Throughout the years, Jodi, Laurel and Halee have completed considerable post-graduate training in mobilization and manipulation. All STRIDE physios can provide mobilization to all joints as well as manipulation to any joint other than the neck.

Beyond this, certain physios may have particular areas of interest in which they have taken additional training and/or have much experience treating. For example, Taryn has been a trainer for many sports teams in the past and loves to provide sport specific and sideline coverage. Halee has a special interest in and experience with treating neurological populations (ie. Parkinsons, MS) and loves an active approach to rehab and prevention–want to hit they gym? She’s your gal. 

All STRIDE physiotherapists are well trained in and consider orthopedics to be our area of expertise. This means any pain, stiffness, and tightness involving the joints, muscles, and nerves of the body – we have the training to assess, diagnose, and treat it! We are all skilled and comfortable treating any area of the body. So, if you are looking for a physio who specializes in the foot, for example, you can be confident you are in good hands with any physio here at STRIDE.